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Mohamed Ali

Musa Ramsey is an Islamic Studies teacher presently instructing at Al-Iman School Raleigh North Carolina. He has taught there for ten years along with various

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Ahmed Hassen

Musa Ramsey is an Islamic Studies teacher presently instructing at Al-Iman School Raleigh North Carolina. He has taught there for ten years along with various

night of lai;atul

Laylatul Qadr

Laylatul Qadr is also referred to as the “Night of Power” and falls within the last 10 days in the Holy month of Ramadan. It

importance of Arabic languages

The importance of the Arabic language

Arabic is a very important language as it is massively/heavily associated with Islam. The Holy Qu’ran is written in Arabic. Also, many Dua’s, Dhikr are


The month of Ramadan

Ramadan: the month where Muslims fast for a month. They usually wake up at Suhoor (before Fajr) to eat something. They can’t eat after Fajr.
