Rules for listening to the Holy Quran

There is no doubt that listening to the Holy Qur’an has great benefits and a good effect on the soul In this article we learn about Rules for listening to the Holy Quran Which it is desirable for a Muslim to do when listening the Holy Quran Listening to the Holy Qur’an is an intended act of worship in itself, through which a Muslim draws closer to God Almighty. Therefore, Sharia law urges the pure person to listen carefully to the Holy Qur’an. .


What are the Rules for listening to the Holy Quran?

Know – my dear reader – that listening to the Holy Qur’an is one of the greatest good deeds and acts of worship through which a Muslim draws closer to God. It is desirable for a Muslim to learn the etiquette and Rules for listening to the Holy Quran because it is the Qur’an and not like any other speech.

  • The first rule and first etiquette is ablution It is recommended for a Muslim to perform ablution before listening to the Qur’an because it serves as psychological preparation that he will listen to the greatest words in existence, the Holy Qur’an.
  • The second Rules for listening to the Holy Quran That a person prepares his mind and heart and tells himself that ( I will listen to the Holy Quran ) to prepare himself for this great matter
  • The third literature on the rules and etiquette of listening the Holy Qur’an He must listen with all his concentration, and not consider the recitation he hears merely as emanating sounds, but rather give it sanctity, respect, and reverence.
  •  Do not get busy with anything that distracts your mind from listening to the Qur’an
  • Continuing to listen to the Holy Qur’an every day if possible To have a permanent connection with Allah Almighty
  • must be keen to understand the meanings of the verses he hears, and this is done by reading books of interpretation
  • It is important for a Muslim, when he is praying and hears the imam reciting the Qur’an during his prayer, to listen with concentration.
  • Say Subhan Allah if you hear verses that contain praise
  • make Duaa to Allah Almighty if you hear verses containing bliss
  •  seek refuge in Allah if you hear verses containing punishment

All this was done by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him

The virtue, honor, and high status of the Great Qur’an are something that is not hidden from Muslims. It is the book of God Almighty, it is the words of the Creator of all creation, and the law of God Almighty in His creation required that their hearing and following of the Great Qur’an be a reason for their salvation, and humanity as a whole is in need of the light of the Qur’an to be preserved. Human dignity, and the people who need it most are Muslims, because they cannot face the problems of their era and time except with the Great Qur’an Therefore, every Muslim must become familiar with the rules of listening to the Holy Qur’an and be careful to adhere to them in order to achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter.

Finally, if you are interested in Listening the Qur’an, we at Muallemee Academy are happy to help you to achieve your goal of learning the Qur’an, Islamic studies, and the Arabic language. We provide you with a suitable educational environment that helps you hear the Holy Qur’an through teachers specialized in Quranic studies and the Arabic language. Just contact us so that you know how to read and understand what verses of the Holy Qur’an you want to Listen.
